AdviceCenter for highly talented children
The AdviceCenter aims to improve the situation of cognitively highly gifted and far above-average gifted children in Frankfurt (Oder) in the long term.
Families with (highly) gifted children have a considerable need for assistance, counseling and support services to ensure the individual development of their children and to guarantee a relaxed, healthy family life that is beneficial to the child's development.
Further education, seminars & lectures
In addition to family counseling, we offer training courses lasting several days as well as qualified seminars and lectures for kindergarten and school educators.

Counseling of the family - Parental counseling
The focus of our consulting activities is the joint search for solutions that take into account the specifics of the individual case with all parties involved.
Following questions could be answered in cooperation with the children and their parents:
How can a healthy relationship among siblings be encouraged?
How can a child be reasured that their specificity is acknowledged and accepted?
Which actions can be taken to strengthen giftedness or adequately adress deficits?
What support possibilities do exists?
Does a talent have to be further encouraged outside of school?

"JUGEND FORSCHT" - Students research
Annual contract / 1h weeklyBe curious, recognize nature, ask questions, develop and test hypotheses: Such qualities are "typically for a child". In our courses for highly gifted children, these qualities are to be specifically encouraged. The children experience how natural scientists view and understand the world by becoming natural scientists themselves. The focus is on action and team-oriented work. The course is based on proven methodical-didactic concepts for the promotion of gifted children at grammar schools and does justice to the different individual personalities of the children through differentiated, age-appropriate work.
Price 50€ / monthly
* One hour consists of 45 minutes contact time and 15 minutes preparation and follow-up.

Counseling in the kindergarten
Together with parents and educators we try to find individual answers to questions like:
What is giftedness and how is it recognized?
What do I need to consider for a gifted child?
Can I support a gifted child in the kindergarten already?
Which basic conditions must be fulfilled?
How can we mediate between gifted children and regular children when there are problems in their interaction with each other?
How do I promote social skills?
When should a child start school early?
Counseling at school
In cooperation with students, parents and teachers, we try to give individual answers:
How do I counter the rejection of individual students and bullying in everyday school life?
How can I achieve appreciation for the talent of the individual?
Which possibilities of individual support are possible?
Are there alternatives to traditional teaching methods to meet the special needs of (highly) gifted children.
Is there an opportunity to support the child outside of school?
Which study groups and/or courses would be useful?
Should a child skip a class? Are the teachers well informed and trained? What further training opportunities are there for teachers?

All participants of lectures, seminars and further education events will receive a comprehensive collection of materials and a certificate of participation.
Costs: 200€
Lectures at the Zentrum für Begabungsförderung "EinSteinchen" (alternatively at your institution)
Lecturer: Peggy Zecha - Peggy Zecha - Expert for High Giftedness (ECHA Diploma)
Number of participants: max. 20 / 90 min
Giftedness at pre-school and primary school age
lecture 90 minWhat is giftedness and how do I recognize giftedness? How do I deal with children who show all signs of being insufficiently challenged? What opportunities for individual support do I have in a daycare and primary school setting?
Acceleration of highly gifted children
lecture 90 minAcceleration referes to skipping a class or skipping some subjects in a class. What are the positive and negative consequences? How do I convince my child and the school to take such a step? What do I need to look out for and where can I get help? What experiences did other parents make?
Project work with highly gifted children of primary and pre-school age
lecture 90 minHighly gifted children need a variety of challenging everyday tasks in order to be able to utilize their potential sufficiently and avoid under load. The "project work" method is an excellent means of individual support for highly gifted children.
Costs: 80€/participant
Seminars in the Zentrum für Begabungsförderung "EinSteinchen" (alternatively in your institution)
Lecturer: Peggy Zecha - Peggy Zecha - Expert for High Giftedness (ECHA Diploma)
Number of participants: 12 / Saturdays 9.00 - 15.00
Experimenting at pre-school age
SeminarThe participants will get an overview of the different methods of experimenting with pre-school children. How do I set up an experiment corner or a children's laboratory? How do I prepare an experiment? This seminar is intended for educators who want to implement "scientific research" in their institutions.
Promoting highly gifted children individually in kindergarten
SeminarParticipants learn about various methods and their application for individual support for highly gifted children. In a practice-oriented way, the participants develop applicable solutions for their institutions.
Project work with highly gifted children of primary and pre-school age
SeminarHighly gifted children need a variety of challenging everyday tasks in order to be able to utilize their potential sufficiently and avoid underchallenge. The "project work" method is an excellent means of individual support for highly gifted children.
Further education
Costs: 400€/participant
Seminars in the Zentrum für Begabungsförderung "EinSteinchen" (alternatively in your institution)
Lecturer: Peggy Zecha - Peggy Zecha - Expert for High Giftedness (ECHA Diploma)
Number of participants: 12 / 5 days each from 9.00 - 15.00
Scientific research at pre-school age
Further educationThe participants acquire knowledge about scientific research and are able to develop action competences to use "experimenting and researching" as a method for the positive development of the pre-school child's personality.
Contents- teaching scientific phenomena and technical contexts in early childhood
- Framework conditions for scientific research in kindergarten
- Experiments for the age group from the 3rd year
- Experiments for the age group from the 5th year
- Experiments for children starting school
- Didactic preparation of scientific programmes
- Variety of methods for experiments
Training: Giftedness at pre-school age
Further educationParticipants acquire knowledge on the topic of giftedness and are able to develop action competences to recognize and promote above-average and highly gifted children in kindergarten.
Contents- General introduction to the topic Giftedness at pre-school age
- What is giftedness?
- Recognition of talents
- Typical characteristics of highly gifted children
- Integration of individual case examples
- Promotion of highly gifted children
- Promotional approaches in the Kita
- Programmes and methods
- Test procedure
- Integration of individual case examples
- Consolidation and troubleshooting
- the specificities of highly talented girls
- Integration of highly gifted children in kindergarten groups
- Parental work
- Perception and behavior problems
- Cooperation between kindergarten and school
We also offer lectures, seminars and training courses at your facilities on request.
We charge an additional fee of 50€ as well as a travel allowance of 0,50€/km for distances of 40km and more.

Peggy Zecha